Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing – Is it dead?

Traditional marketing is everything but digital when it comes to brand or logo. The marketers place ads for a fee which corresponds to the size of the ad, as well as the medium in which it is published. Traditional marketing uses the following to spread the message:

·         Magazine and newspaper ads
·         Banner ads
·         Direct mail, brochures, flyers
·         Billboards and signs
·         TV and radio commercials

The debate continues if Traditional marketing or print advertising is dead. In today’s world even popular magazines have fallen prey to the Internet age where their circulation has dwindled. But surprisingly, traditional marketing is still working and so is the print. Look around or just check your mail box, it is still filled with coupons or direct mailers. Another advantage that print advertising has over digital is its power to reach local audiences.  One can say that social media marketing can accomplish it too but then remember there are still significant amount of people who are not using social media or are not web savvy. So, it truly depends on who is your target audience. Younger people are more likely to be on the digital compared to the older generation. So, best is to know your market, audience, and your target plan. Based on that include traditional marketing in your overall marketing plan or campaign. It is not dead yet!


Morgan Hart said...

Well there are still places where digital can't reach. Best is to have a mix of traditional and digital together.

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