How well do you know these Digital Marketing acronyms?

Digital marketing world is filled with acronyms. So thought to put together a list of most frequently used acronyms. Share or comment on which ones are your favourite.

API   Application program interface
B2B   Business to business
B2C   Business to consumer
CLV   Customer lifetime value
CPA   Cost per acquisition / action
CPC   Cost per click
CPI  Cost per impression
CPL   Cost per lead
CPM   Cost per thousand impression
CPV   Cost per view (see also PPV)
CR   Conversion rate
CRM   Customer relationship management
CRO   Conversion rate optimisation
CTA   Call to action
CTR   Click through rate
GA   Google Analytics
LTV   Life Time Value
MVT   Multivariate testing
PPC   Pay per click
PPL   Pay per lead
PPV   Pay per view
PR   PageRank
PV   Pageviews
QR Code   Quick response code
RT   ReTweet
SaaS   Software as a service
SDK Software Development Kit
SEM   Search engine marketing
SEO   Search engine optimisation
SERP   Search engine results page
SWOT   Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats 
UV   Unique visitor
UX   User experience
VM   Viral marketing
VOD   Video on demand


Elijah said...

UV is a new one to me. Never used it before. Thanks for sharing

Daanish said...

Is QR code dead? what are your thoughts on it?

garimamehta said...

Daanish, they are becoming less prevalent for sure. Having said that I personally have scanned it only once at Target for a discount. But some of my marketer friends argue that they are still very much in use although analytics have yet to prove them right. In short, I would say it doesn't hurt to use them if it is not costing much time and resources.

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