What is Digital Health?

Digital health is the union of digital and genomic technologies where the main aim is to empower people to prevent disease. The Apple Watch or FitBit on your wrist or even the Myfitnesspal app on your phone are one of the easiest examples for Digital Health.

Here are some of the key digital technologies impacting healthcare-

  • Health 2.0
  • Big Data
  • Wearables and IoT
  • Gamification
  • Telemedicine
  • Precision medicine
  • Personalized medicine
  • Medical device data systems
  • Software as a medical device (SaMD)
  • Cybersecurity

The industry pundits estimate that this digital healthcare revolution can save $300 billion especially in the chronic diseases sector.
One thing that crosses the minds of many is will this Digital transformation kill the independent Physician? Personally, I think that at the very least it will definitely make those flu season or minor ailment visits to your doctor redundant. Today’s world is all about patient empowerment. The more you know about your health the better informed decisions you will make.
But then our data is no longer ours. It is somewhere on the cloud which leads us to another vertical of cybersecurity.
What do you think? Share your experience and insights in the comments box below.


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